Soil Solutions: Increasing Yield and Soil Health

Earlier this year, we sent out a customer survey, and we’ve been examining the results. Continuing with our “Soil Solutions” series, let’s discuss the question: When purchasing fertilizer, what factors are important to you?

While most respondents answered “yield,” it was closely followed by “soil health.” 

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If you’ve been a follower of Replenish Nutrients, then you’re probably already familiar with case studies on how our products help increase yield. But did you know that our inputs also help improve soil health? With Replenish Nutrients, you can increase yield with eco-friendly products. 

Yield is an important measure of a grower’s performance that embodies all the efforts and resources invested in one’s crop year. Yield estimates are used in field and machine management – anticipate equipment use, fuel, and labor needs, storage capacity, plan livestock feed supplies, and make early marketing decisions. 

With all these decisions based on a single outcome, it is little wonder why growers are curious and enthusiastic about finding ways to sustain and increase crop yield. One such method that is gaining popularity is how to increase soil health. After all, it all starts with the quality of dirt used to grow the crop. 

The challenge is – growers are hesitant to change or adapt their fertilizer program because their yields may not be as productive without the same amount of synthetic fertilizer. There also can be additional costs associated with the application of non-synthetic fertilizers. However, one needs to be willing to invest in their business, and the curious and open-minded growers who challenge conventional methods will benefit. 

The advantages of considering soil health and looking at products that increase soil quality will outweigh these issues. Why? Because high-efficiency biofertilizers can increase and sustain crop yield without depleting soil quality. They increase soil organic matter, earthworm density, microbial biomass, and enzymatic activities. All these factors help to maintain soil quality long-term, effectively producing a better-quality crop and yield output.

Anything worth having takes time – this includes rebuilding the field’s soil quality after years of depletion from the use of synthetic fertilizers. The great thing about biofertilizers is that there is a long time between applications to allow the soil to rebalance and rebuild the nitrogen-fixing microbial population, phosphorus-solubilizing microbes, and other beneficial microorganisms that help plants absorb nutrients and promote growth. This allows the investment into biofertilizers to spread out over time. 

Biofertilizers promote healthy plant growth, leading to better root development, increased plant height, and more extensive foliage. These factors contribute to higher crop yield and improved crop quality. No one ever knows what will happen, but healthier soil at least gives the grower a better chance at a higher yield regardless of other factors. 

If you’re ready to challenge conventional thinking, contact one of our local distributors

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